petak, 19. veljače 2016.

Advanced Plaiting And Braiding | Technical File

Braids are very popular this season. In our first year we were tought basic braiding - fishtail braid, french and normal, which are quite simple. Now Lottie taught us how to create slightly more complex braids and plaits - multiple strand braids, waterfall and ladder, dutch and a hybrid braid. They actually look more complex than they actually are once you learn how to do them. With these braids you can create a simple, romantic look, or build them into a big avant garde look.
The cleaner the hair is, the harder to plait/ braid it - best to work with 1-2 day old hair, or add product like the texturising spray to get better grip.

Multiple Strand Plaits

This is a very buildable hairstyle. When we first came into the lesson and Lottie said that we're doing 5, 8 and 11 strand braids I thought that at some point I will have to be juggling eleven sections and loosing my mind over where each one goes. 
Suprisingly, it didn't take me too long to get it and I did it in my first try!

I practiced on the doll, but it has layers and the hair is quite short so I didn't manage to get the best outcome. 
To create a multiple strand plait you start with 5 sections and then add a normal plaits (as many as you want) to build it to an 8,11, 14, etc. It is never easy to explain a braided hairstyle, but I'll try...
I've sectioned the dolls head into three sections; one on the left, one at the back and on the right. I made sure that the back section is slightly thicker than the other two because that is the one that I will use for my 5 strand plait, and other two will be braided normally and added. Once you do that start from the back. Work with the sections that are at either ends - 1 and 5. Take the first section and take it under the second one, then over the middle one (3) and you leave it there. Then take the section number 5, take it under the fourth one, over the middle one. Do that until you reach the end then secure it with an elastic band.
This is when you start building it. I started from the right side and plaited until the two braids were in the same level. All braids have hoops on the side, so while you are braiding  the normal braid, take the section that is close to the 5 strand braid, pull the section through the hoop to connect the two braids. It's almost like making a basket, all you do is tie braids together. Now you have an 8 strand braid, do the same on the left side, and that's 11! 

Also, make sure that the braids are not too tight otherwise you won't be able to stretch them enough to get the hair through the hoops. 

5 strands
8 strands
11 strands
11 strands
(created: 17 Feb 2016)

As you can see, the braid is not as neat as it should be. I practiced at home on my house mate's hair and this is the final outcome:

5 strands
8 strands
11 strands
Model: Caroline Kiwimae
(created: 19 Feb 2016)

Dutch Braid

A dutch braid is the easiest one out of all the braids and plaits that we did in this lesson. It is basically a reversed french braid. I braided only a section of the head as I worked on the doll and this way I'd get a better outcome.
To create a french braid you add sections to the braid and take the sections one over another. For a dutch braid you do exactly the same, but you take the sections one under another. This will create a 3D looking braid. 

Dutch braid
Dutch braid
Dutch braid

Hybrid Braid

This braid is a mixture of a few.. This is kind of a half french plait that goes across the head. Let me explain...
I started by taking a section slighty above my model's temple and started plaiting it as normal. Then, by taking sections from the opposite side of the head, I started adding sections on one side (right) only, as you would do for a french braid. You could take the sections from the exact places but on the other side, however my model's hair wasn't long enough for that so I was taking sections from around the crown of the head, but from the opposite side (if that makes any sense). You end up with a kind of a braided helmet-looking hairstyle.

Hybrid braid
Hybrid braid - side
Hybrid braid - back
Model: Rachel Stonock

I practiced this at home too, and got much better results...

Hybrid braid - side
Hybrid braid - close up
Hybrid braid - back
Model: Caroline Kiwimae
(created: 19 Feb 2016)

Waterfall and ladder braid

This is the style that I struggled with the most. It is a half up, half down hairstyle. 
You have to work close to the scalp to get the best outcome and it should be fairly neat with even sections. 
Take a section from the side, and start braiding horizontally. Then, again, similar to the french braid, add sections to the top sections, but what will give you the 'waterfall' effect is that you let go of half of the bottom section, and pass it to your model. The reason why you get your model to hold these sections is that it will help keep those sections straight, otherwise they would get pulled backwards as you are braiding. 

Waterfall braid
Model: Rachel Stonock
(Created: 17 Feb 2016)

The lesson was over and I didn't have time to do a ladder braid, and I needed more practice anyway, so I created a few looks at home. 

First waterfall braid I did was slightly wonky but I continued it into the ladder braid.
When doing a ladder braid you take a section that is parallel with the first braid. Braid normally as you were doing the waterfall, and include the bits that are falling out of the first one. You can leave bits out again, and have a waterfall effect again or close it up - I did both. 
On one side I did three layers but since the first layers weren't as tight, every layer was worse that the other. 

Waterfall braid
Waterfall braid
Waterfall braid
Waterfall braid
Waterfall braid
Model: Caroline Kiwimae
(created: 19 Feb 2016)

I made my other waterfall coming down to the side. This time I managed to get the braid a lot tighter than the first time. Then with the second braid I was taking sections from the waterfall braid, but didn't leave any sections and got the ladder effect.

Waterfall braid
Waterfall braid
Ladder braid
Ladder braid
Ladder braid - close up
Model: Caroline Kiwimae
(created: 19 Feb 2016)

Fishtail braid

At the end I just did a little fishtail braid for fun. 
You separate your hair into two sections and take a bit of one section to the other section, and continue doing that all the way down. 

Fishtail braid
Fishtail braid
Model: Caroline Kiwimae
(created: 19 Feb 2016)

I am aware that I need to practice more, but as you can see in the three waterfall/ ladder braids how much progress I've done from the first to the third look. 
Also, this gave me an idea of what kind of hairstyle I want to do for my advert.

For my advert I will use a blonde long wig. Braid the hair in the style of the hybrid braid that I've done above, but have the braid coming across the face, over the eyes. Since the products that I'm advertising are a lipstick and a blush/ highlight, the braid will hide the eyes and make other features stand out more.

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